How to Talk to Your Parents About End-Of-Life Issues?

October 5, 2021

It is a fortunate thing that you have both or one of your parents alive. As an elder child, you fell in some responsibility to talk to them about their end-of-life issues and wishes. It is not easy to talk about dying and death to your parents especially, but these are pretty serious and important conversations. They can help you […]

What to Consider When Planning Your Own Funeral?

September 21, 2021

Death is an inevitable appointment, and it cannot be canceled no matter what. No one can avoid death, and everyone will die eventually. Mostly, the people suffering from terminal illness plan their funerals. But for others, it might look a little bizarre and not everyone would even want to consider thinking about it. But why not? When you already know […]

What is a Burial Plan?

September 7, 2021

A burial plan can be one of the most considerate and caring gifts you can ever gift to your family. A burial plan means you plan your burial at your funeral before meeting your death. This can be a very thoughtful decision as it will relieve your family from being in the burden of making harsh decisions when they are […]

Types of Funeral Service in Singapore

August 24, 2021

Different families with different cultures and religions lived in this world. They also do not want the same type of funeral. By cultural traditions and religion, personal preferences, and cost, funeral practices are decided and influenced. These circumstances help to decide where the funeral will be held, and whether it will be private or public, secular, or religious, simple, or […]

Why You Should Plan Your Own Funeral?

August 10, 2021

Many people think of it as their point of view that to plan your own funeral is strange. But it is a reality that one day you have to leave this world and also your loved ones. You have to die. Whether you are 20 or 70. No one wants to dwell on the thought of their own death. As […]

Religious Funerals Guide

July 27, 2021

Attending and conducting funerals is never easy for anyone involved. It might be your loved one or a distant relative who might’ve passed away. Dealing with grievances combined with carrying out responsibilities can feel confusing and overwhelming for anyone. The purpose of this article is to provide you with a general idea of how funerals, especially religious ones work. Now, […]

Complete Guide to Sikh Funerals

July 3, 2021

Sikhs believe in the soul’s transmigration, which never expires. However, the life of humans is a chance for our souls to break out of the transmigration (or karma) cycle for uniting with Waheguru. Waheguru or the Wondrous Giver of Knowledge is the Sikh word for God. Sikhism dictates that such union can take place only through truthful conduct, good deeds, […]

Complete Guide to Buddhist Funerals

June 27, 2021

Buddhists truly believe that the soul’s reincarnation takes place right after death. While there are various forms of Buddhism out there, this reincarnation belief is generally a shared principle by all. It forms the foundations of many Buddhist funeral traditions.   Introduction to a Buddhist Funeral In the United States, the Buddhist community varies by ethnic and cultural origins. Basically, […]

Complete Guide to Christian Funerals

June 20, 2021

When you are not a usual churchgoer, it is quite an intimidating idea to attend a Christian funeral. However, there is nothing to worry about. Although Christian funerals follow some traditions, they are accessible to secular ones too. Catholic funerals are steeped in conventional rituals. This funeral service will be focused more on devotional texts than the deceased. Meaning that […]

How to Deal With Grief over Losing a Parent?

June 17, 2021

It’s never easy to deal with the death of a parent. Whether they lived a long and happy life before passing or they died unexpectedly, it’s always hard to believe that the most important person in your life is not there anymore. Nobody ever really expects it to happen, as a result nobody is every ready to experience the emotions […]