When a loved one dies, it is normal for family members and close friends and people to grieve and mourn. But what if the grief never eases? Even flower cannot overcome the grief. The deep, painful, and wrenching sorrow of losing someone eventually becomes acute grief that seems impossible to cope up with. Complicated grief may require a longer period of time for healing. It often happens when a woman loses someone she is deeply attached to or when a mother or father suddenly lost an only child. This form of grief is something that may never ease out over a period of time. To cope up with complicated and chronic grief, learn the reasons why grief never ends from this article and know what you can do to help yourself. Knowing the symptoms will help you address the issue and help yourself move forward.
Grief becomes a part of your life.
Grief does not ease because it becomes a part of your life as you grieve every day over and over again. Knowing that someone who means so much to you is no longer there can really be so painful. In so many cases, acceptance of reality and truth is a key factor in coping up and in fast recovery from pain. If denial and continued disbelief of the loss of a loved one affects you, it may lead to complicated grief. Among the signs or symptoms include intense sorrow, always focused on the death of a loved one, intense longing for the deceased person, detachment, bitterness, and lack of trust and communication with other people. If you are having trouble doing and carrying out your normal routines and you feel a deep sadness that you don’t want to wake up, it is a sign that you need professional medical and mental assistance.
Although there is no clear remedy to solve complicated grief, you can help yourself or a person suffering from grief by simply talking the emotions out. Allow yourself to cry and let pain and grief come out. It is also helpful to feel the pain in order to face reality. In most cases, the person who can help you through your grief is your family who is also grieving over the death of a family member. Finding support and comfort from them while giving back support and comfort to them is a helpful way to process bereavement, especially when grief becomes a part of your life.
Grief affects a group of people.
Grief continues because it affects other people, too. Seeing that your children are affected by grief for losing their father or mother may cause you to feel more depressed and sad. On the other hand, grief may have a different effect on you especially if you have deeper attachment with the person. This can trigger various mental and physical effects on you that you may need professional help. Depression, anxiety, and deep sadness may lead to serious problems if not dealt with properly.
Sometimes it may seem easier to keep grief on your own because you think that sharing it with others will only add a burden to them. However, if grief never ceases, it is best to let others share the burden with you. If it seems to let go of a lost loved one is more painful, perhaps, sharing your grief and emotions with the group of people who are also grieving may help you.
The loss of a loved one hinders you to go back to the person you are before.
After the bereavement, it is expected that you go back to the same person you are before the loss. But when it never happens, it is because grief continues to overpower you. This happens to people who think that when a loved one dies, they also die with them, thus grief goes on and on. It makes hard to recover from the pain and grief when you think that a big part of you is gone.
It is important to ask for help if grieving affects you extensively. By acknowledging the effects and by talking about it with a family member or with a professional, you can get the help that you need. It can be helpful too if you know that you have people to rely on.
The loss of a loved one is felt each passing day.
Grief continues to affect you if the loss of a loved one is still felt day by day. Whenever you think that you should have been doing an activity with the person or how it feels to share the experience with that person but you just can’t because he or she is gone, the pain lingers even more. Feeling the pain each and every day will not only make you feel sad and lacking but may also cause you to feel depressed and of low self-worth.
In order to cope up and recover from grief, acceptance of the loss will aid in the healing process. Whether it is a negative or positive feeling, acknowledging the pain helps resolve grief. If it never ceases and it leads to poor sleep or loss of appetite or interest in communicating with people, talking to your family about can be your first step to self-help. Don’t let pain and grief overcome you. Grieve if you must and feel the pain until you accept the reality. After this, think of the wonderful memories you shared with the person instead, and move forward in life knowing that the person may be gone but the love remains.